The Village of Deforest is a small local government in a community north of Madison, WI and rapidly growing without increasing the staff. They chose to work with Naviant to implement their OnBase Government solution because they were a local OnBase expert with years of enterprise content management (ECM) experience.
In March of 2016, the Village of Deforest started to implement a solution with Naviant and the enterprise content management software OnBase. They plan to use OnBase in Agenda Management, Accounts Payable Workflow, Electronic Document Management, Forms/Workflow, and Public Access for Transparency of Information.
The OnBase software has allowed them to keep up with the growth of the community and maintain efficiency. What use to take 10 – 15 minutes in their old system, SIRE, takes them less than 10 seconds to do in OnBase. Their efficiencies continue to grow exponentially with an enterprise content management solution.