
Today’s states, counties, and municipalities are looking for adaptable and straightforward technology. They want something that will reduce operating costs while providing faster and better government services. Old, manual and paper-based solutions are antiquated processes that can waste your time and resources. As a result, this can make maintaining and evolving constituent service difficult or impossible. If this sounds familiar, don’t worry, a solution is in reach!

Naviant’s local government customers are leveraging OnBase to achieve efficiency. How? For example, OnBase helps them eliminate paper and low-value tasks, and automate processes. Additionally, it allows them to integrate content to connect to existing systems. It also makes it easy to deploy an affordable solution that revolves around the customers. OnBase even allows them to track the changes they make to documents, giving complete transparency over all content.

See the benefits OnBase is providing to your peers:

  • Document & Records Management
  • Open Records & Constituent Access
  • Agenda Management
  • Electronic Plan Review
  • Esri Integration

The OnBase platform meets the needs of government departments with affordable entry. Additionally, it carries a product philosophy that encourages phased projects to match tighter budgets now, with a strategy to grow and adapt into the future on one, single enterprise platform.

With OnBase, One means One.

The OnBase platform is not a collection of separate products presented under one brand or offered by the same vendor. OnBase is truly a single platform sharing one database, content repository, and codebase – giving you one platform to install, upgrade, secure, protect and integrate, instead of a portfolio of disparate information technologies to manage.

This isn’t a replacement tool, rather it streamlines the process and helps boost efficiency in all that the individuals in your organization does. Naviant experience, OnBase solution breadth, and existing State and GSA Schedule contracts make your choice even simpler!

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