What’s New in OnBase Foundation 22.1


Join us for an overview of what's new in OnBase Foundation 22.1. Learn firsthand how each enhancement will improve usability within the OnBase application for the end user and the Configuration experience for the solution administrator. In addition, you'll learn about new tools available in Unity Forms, Workflow and WorkView for the low-code solution builder. […]

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Adding Intelligent Automation Solutions: RPA & Process Mining


You've eliminated paper and are using technology to improve some of your processes. Digital Transformation done, right? Don't worry, we wish it were that simple too. Now it's time to explore what intelligent automation can bring to your organization. These tools enable you to expand on the progress you've made with your current OnBase solution. […]

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Success Stories of Workflow Automation in Action: Eliminate Manual Tasks and Errors


Depending on where you are in your digital transformation journey, you likely understand that making your documents and data work for you will ultimately be what changes your business and work life. Getting there starts with automating workflows. Join us as we share simple, popular, and advanced examples of how businesses have used OnBase Workflow […]

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Reduce Risk & Improve Compliance by Managing Retention with OnBase


Facing uncertain times, organizations are looking to reduce risk and promote stability whenever and wherever they can. As digital transformation initiatives take the forefront, sound records management and retention policies are more important than ever to ensure solutions remain compliant and do not invite unnecessary risk. With OnBase's robust suite of records management products, users […]

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