Webinar | Can You Benefit from Robotic Process Automation (RPA)?

Online Webinar hosted by Naviant 201 Prairie Heights Drive, Verona, WI, United States

You could benefit from an RPA solution, if... Your routine processes rely on people. You need to handle an increased volume of work with the same or fewer employees. You or your department needs to comply with complex regulations. You keep getting beat by the competition because you're too slow. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) software […]

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Webinar | OnBase System Admin Tips & Tricks

Online Webinar hosted by Naviant 201 Prairie Heights Drive, Verona, WI, United States

It's time to sharpen your OnBase System Admin tools! The latest release, OnBase Foundation EP2, offers features that make System Administration more efficient. There are enhancements for both users and administrators, new security and compliance features, and stronger connections - both across Hyland's content services offerings and with your core applications. Even if you aren't […]

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Webinar | OnBase Foundation

Online Webinar hosted by Naviant 201 Prairie Heights Drive, Verona, WI, United States

OnBase Foundation is the most secure and forward-looking version of OnBase to date. The release of Foundation marks the first in a series of Foundation product releases across Hyland's content services platform. With enhancements and new capabilities across the platform, Hyland's newest release of OnBase empowers you with a foundation to strengthen your solutions today […]

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Webinar | CFO’s Top 10 List For Getting Technology Approved

Online Webinar hosted by Naviant 201 Prairie Heights Drive, Verona, WI, United States

Join Naviant's CFO, Michael Carr, for a 30-minute webinar on the Top 10 lists for how to get your new technology projects and the budget approved. Are you looking to add some new technology to your organization to make it more efficient? Are you looking to get OnBase in another department within your company? You […]

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